Day Pass 8 hours
Food in restaurants available
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks within the All Inclusive menu
Use of lounge chairs, towels, swimming pools and access to the beach
Entreteinment activities
- Daypass schedule: 10:00 - 18:00
Daypass includes:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Snacks
- Beverages
- Alcoholic drinks
- Towels
- Beach beds/chairs (pool area)
- Beach beds/chairs (beach area)
- Gym
- Bathrooms
- Showers (outdoor)
- Parking
- Reembolso : In case of cancellation the Hotel offers 0 % refund
- The Daypass does NOT include : Dinner, Premium Drinks, Extra cost restaurants outside the "All Inclusive" and private events
Adults (From 13years old )Price : $2,999.00 MXN
Edad mínima: 18 años
Next unavailable dates :
19/Feb/2025 to 22/Feb/2025, 27/Feb/2025 to 28/Feb/2025, 02/Mar/2025, 21/Mar/2025 to 23/Mar/2025, 08/Apr/2025 to 22/Apr/2025